Work provided for campus departments.
Department Work
• I served as a project lead in the creation of enterprise applications.
• My focus was on applications to support users of our High-Performance Computing (Supercomputing) services.
Accomplishments: Apps I've created for the UC are now in use by 700k+ monthly users.
Languages: PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, JSON/XML, HTML5, CSS3, Linux/Unix, REST, Git and Python.
Software: Visual Studio Code, PHPStorm, Terminal, Sequel Pro, Red Hat, Laravel, WordPress, Drupal, Bootstrap, Sass, Gulp, AngularJS, and Adobe Photoshop.

Institute for Digital Research and Education
As the former lead developer of UCLA’s Super Computing department (HPC), I worked in creating tools to assist researchers around the world in translating big data on our High Performance Computing Cluster (Hoffman2).

Campus Privacy

Women in Technology

Particle-in-Cell and Kinetic Simulation

Center for Dmain Specific Computing