Work provided for clients of the Rhythm Agency.
Client Work
I’ve developed and managed technical, large-scale applications for our biggest clients: Acura, Kaiser Permanente, Irvine Company, Smart Stop and more.

Working closely with Acura, I’ve developed and launched their new vehicles navigation on, as well as their conquest pages and email newsletters. I’ve delivered assets tested to be compatible by over 40 plus platforms.

Kaiser Permanente
I've developed a fully custom WordPress theme for Kaiser Permanente. Nearly all fields and elements are fully editable through the native backend. It also includes a mobile version option for assets and content. The template has now been used to create over 40 variants of the custom layout.

The Irvine Company
Irvine Company had me deliver a brochure site for their ‘Irvine Pacific’ community homes. The site is blazing fast, thanks to webpack, and node. I’ve also used the Google Maps APIs, and numerous JS libraries to create the stylish look.

Zo Skin Health
Reaching over $100k in net daily sales of beauty products, Zo is one of our top clients. I am the lead developer of their Drupal site. The site not only handles the e-commerce portion, but much of the accounting of payments to doctor affiliates. This required a large amount of custom development calculators to take percentages of sales per quarter, and provide varying metrics to different departments.

Smart Stop
With thousands of locations across the country, Smart Stop is one of the largest self storage corporations in the U.S. This massive database is managed and updated by me continually. I’ve inherited the project running on CakePhp and MySQL, however we’ve started the redesign of their main e-commerce site with the use of a React front-end.